Looking for, or need a sponsor?
If you have orders to USS FORREST SHERMAN and need a sponsor, please send an email to the Command Master Chief (CMC) at sponsor@ddg98.navy.mil.
Include the following information in your email (Note: DO NOT include your SSN in any correspondence):
Today's Date
Name, rate and rank
Current duty station and Unit Identification Code (UIC)
Projected Rotation Date (PRD)
End of Active Obligated Service (EAOS)
All current Navy Enlisted Classifications (NECS), if applicable
Warfare designators (SW/AW/FMF/SS, etc.)
Email addresses (current military and personal addresses)
Phone numbers (current duty station and home/mobile/cell)
Dependent status (If you have dependents, this will aid in assigning an appropriate sponsor.)
A brief description of your navy career so far and what you hope to accomplish aboard USS FORREST SHERMAN
If you don't already have a sponsor the CMC will ensure you are assigned one. Once you have a sponsor, advise him or her of your travel plans and any difficulties you may be encountering. Your sponsor can make special arrangements for you if necessary, but communication is key! Pass along your flight arrangements and notify your sponsor of any changes as they arise.