Shield: The dark blue and gold represent the sea and excellence. They are also the Navy's tradition colors. Red is emblematic of courage and sacrifice. The five interlaced swords honor the five Sullivan brothers killed in action during WW II and commemorate their spirit of teamwork and patriotism. The upright points of the swords allude to the present ship's combat readiness and its missile system. The boarder reflects unity and the eleven stars represent the battle stars earned by the first USS The Sullivans; nine for WW II and two for the Korean War.
The trident, symbol of sea prowess, symbolizes DDG 68's modern warfare capabilities; the AEGIS and vertical launch system. The fireball underscores the fierce battle of Guadalcanal where the five brothers courageously fought and died together and highlights its firepower of the past and present USS The Sullivans. The inverted wreath, a traditional symbol of the ultimate sacrifice, is in memory of the Sullivan brothers. The shamrock recalls the Irish heritage. The arms are blazoned in full color upon a white oval enclosed by a dark blue collar edged on the outside with a gold rope and bearing the name.