Or, a pile Azure, overall a chevron debased counterchanged; in chief a pair of wings conjoined Argent surmounted by a ship's hull affronté upon waves of the sea all of the first in front of two crossed swords; a cutlass with point to base of the third and a saber point to dexter of the first. Dark blue and gold are the traditional U.S. Navy colors. Blue alludes to the sea, the theater of naval operations. Gold stands for excellence. The chevron, a traditional symbol for support, represents the amphibious assault mission of the ship. It resembles a wave moving to shore and refers to the deployment of men and cargo. The wings highlight Wasp's aviation heritage and capabilities. The modern ship with the crossed officer and enlisted swords adapted from the surface warfare emblem represents leadership, teamwork and the ship's mission of surface warfare operations. The pile (or sharply pointed "V" shape) is expressive of assault, combat readiness and victory. The counterchange of colors emphasizes the ship's capability to integrate sea, air and land combat missions to conduct an amphibious assault. The shield is divided into nine sections honoring the nine previous ships named Wasp.
On a wreath Or and Azure a demi-torteau below two tridents saltirewise Or, overall a wasp Proper; all encircled by ten mullets four on either side and two at top Azure. The wasp, with its well-developed wings and ability to administer painful stings, epitomizes quick striking power. The stars recall two of the past Wasps, CV-7 and CV-18, aircraft carriers that earned two and eight battle stars respectively for World War II service. The red disc or rising sun refers to World War II Japan and the Pacific Theater where those aircraft carriers experienced heavy combat action. The tridents are symbolic of sea power and weaponry.
The coat of arms as blazoned in full color upon a white oval enclosed within a dark blue collar edged on the outside with gold rope and bearing the inscription “USS WASP” at top and “LHD 1” in base, all in gold.
On a scroll Azure edged Or, the words "HONOR TRADITION EXCELLENCE" in letters of the second.