Dark blue and gold are the colors traditionally associated with the Navy and symbolize the sea and excellence. The chevron, with deep green to both sides, suggests Mount Kearsarge in New Hampshire. The ship’s amphibious combat role is represented by green and blue at the top and bottom of the shield, alluding to land and sea. The arrowheads, together with the white chevron, which represents a shore line, represent assault landings. The stars commemorate the battle stars the third USS Kearsarge received for Korean War and Vietnam War service.
The wings symbolize the aviation capabilities of both the present and the third Kearsarge; they are gold for honor and achievement. The white anchor recalls the round the world cruise of the second Kearsarge as part of the Great White Fleet in 1907. The blue and gray wavy bar highlights the Civil War service of the first USS Kearsarge (sloop of war).
The swords are crossed to denote cooperation and teamwork as well as the combined combat mission of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.