Department of the Navy (DON) personnel will treat all victims and witnesses of crime with dignity and respect. Navy activities and personnel shall mitigate, within the means of available resources and per applicable law, the physical, psychological, and financial hardship suffered by crime victims and witnesses of criminal offenses. All reasonable efforts shall be made to foster cooperation of crime victims and witnesses.
As provided for by Federal law, a crime victim has the right to:
Be Treated with fairness and respect for the victim's dignity and privacy
Be reasonably protected from the accused offender
Be notified of court proceedings
Be present at all public court proceedings related to the offense, unless
the court determines testimony by the victim would be materially
affected if the victim heard other testimony at trial.
Confer with the attorney for the Government in the case
Receive available restitution
Be provided information about the conviction, sentencing, imprisonment,
and release of the offender
A witness in a court-martial proceeding has the following rights:
The right to be treated with fairness and respect for the witness' dignity
and privacy.
The right to be reasonably protected from the accused offender.
The right to be notified of any scheduling changes that will affect the
witness' appearance at court-martial.
The right to be notified of the apprehension of an accused, the initial
appearance of an accused before a military judge, the release of the
accused pending court-martial, and trial proceedings (including entry of
a guilty plea) .
The right to information about the conviction, sentence, confinement and
release from custody of the accuse