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Destroyer Ship Class Info Page


Arleigh Burke (DDG 51 - Flight I)

Arleigh Burke (Flight IIA)


Zumwalt (DDG 1000)


Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) and Zumwalt (DDG 1000) class destroyers, are warships that provide multi-mission offensive and defensive capabilities. Destroyers can operate independently or as part of carrier strike groups, surface action groups, amphibious ready groups, and underway replenishment groups. MK-45 Naval Gun, Phalanx CIWS, Standard Missile, Helicopter, Naval Officer Roles, Naval Enlisted Roles, Navy Terminology.


Guided missile destroyers are multi-mission [Anti-Air Warfare (AAW), Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), and Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW)] surface combatants. The destroyer's armament has greatly expanded the role of the ship in strike warfare utilizing the MK-41 Vertical Launch System (VLS).

​DDG 51 Class Features

  • AEGIS Weapons System (AWS) including SPY-1 Radar, 96 cell MK 41

    VLS, MK 99 Fire Control System

  • AN/SQQ-89 Sonar

  • MK 45 5" Gun for ASuW, AAW), and land attack (NSFS) targets

  • 25mm CIWS and MK 38 self-defense guns

  • SLQ-32 or SEWIP Electronics warfare system

  • Helo landing capability (DDG 51-78); Dual Hangars for organic Helo

    support (DDG 79 and follow)

  • Four Gas Turbine Engines driving twin controllable propellers

  • Three SSGTG (Ship Service Gas Turbine Generators)

  • Robust, redundant, and survivable design with low signature requirements

    DDG 1000 Class Features

  • Eighty Advanced Vertical Launch System (AVLS) cells, two 155

    millimeter (mm) Advanced Gun System (AGS), and two 30mm Close In

    Guns (CIGS)

  • A boat bay and stern boat ramp for two 7 meter (m) Rigid Hull Inflatable

    Boats (RHIBs), designed with room for two 11m RHIBs

  • Aviation capacity for two MH-60R or one MH-60R and three Vertical

    Take-off Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

  • It will be powered by an Integrated Power System (IPS) with propulsion

    via Advanced Induction Motors (AIM) and electrical distribution through

    the Integrated Fight Through Power (IFTP) system

  • A superstructure with integrated apertures and low signature profile

  • Advanced sensors including a SPY-3 Multi-Function Radar

  • A wave-piercing "Tumblehome" hull form

Arleigh Burke Class (DDG 51) Background

Technological advances have improved the capability of modern destroyers culminating in the Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) class replacing the older Charles F. Adams and Farragut class guided missile destroyers. Like the larger Ticonderoga-class cruisers, DDG 51's combat capability centers around the Aegis Weapon System (AWS). AWS is composed of the SPY-1D multi-function phased array radar, advanced AAW and ASW systems, VLS, and the Tomahawk Weapon System. These advances allow the Arleigh Burke-class to continue the revolution at sea.

The Arleigh Burke class employs all-steel construction and is comprised of three separate variants or "Flights": DDG 51-71 represent the original design and are designated Flight I ships; DDG 72-78 are Flight II ships; DDG 79 and Follow ships are built or are being built to the Flight IIA design. The Flight III baseline is planned for the second ship in FY16.

Sixty two ships are currently operating in the Fleet. An additional thirteen ships are under contract, including the most recent contract award on June 3, 2013 for nine ships as part of the FY13-17 multi-year procurement contracts with Huntington Ingalls Industries and Bath Iron Works.

Like most modern U.S. surface combatants, DDG 51 utilizes gas turbine propulsion. Employing four General Electric LM 2500 gas turbines to produce 100,000 total shaft horsepower via a dual shaft design, Arleigh Burke-class destroyers are capable of achieving 30 plus knot speeds in open seas.

The Flight IIA design includes the addition of the Kingfisher mine-avoidance capability, a pair of helicopter hangars which provide the ability to deploy with two organic Lamps MK III MH-60 helicopters, blast-hardened bulkheads, distributed electrical system and advanced networked systems. Additionally, DDGs 91-96 provide accommodations for the A/N WLD-1 Remote Mine-hunting System. The first Flight IIA, USS Oscar Austin, was commissioned in August 2000.

A DDG modernization program is underway to provide a comprehensive mid-life upgrade that will ensure the DDG 51 class will maintain mission relevance and remain an integral part of the Navy's Sea Power 21 Plan. The modernization changes are also being introduced to new construction ships to increase the baseline capabilities of the newest ships in the class, and to provide commonality between new construction ships and modernized in-service ships. The goal of the DDG modernization effort is to reduce workload requirements and increase war fighting capabilities while reducing total ownership cost to the Navy. In-service ships can be modernized by two distinct packages - Combat Systems (C/S) and Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical (HM&E) upgrades. The HM&E package includes new Gigabit Ethernet connectivity in the engineering plant and a Digital Video Surveillance System (DVSS), along with the Integrated Bridge Navigation System (IBNS), an Advanced Galley, and other habitability modifications. A complete Open Architecture computing environment is the foundation for ships receiving the C/S war fighting improvements. This upgrade plan consists of a new Multi-Mission Signal Processor to accommodate additional Ballistic Missile Defense capability and an improvement to radar performance in the littoral regions. Additional upgrades include: Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC), Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM), CIWS Blk 1B, SEWIP, and NULKA. The Arleigh Burke-class MK-41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) will be upgraded to support SM-3 and newer variants of the SM missile family. Throughout their expected service life, DDG 51 destroyers will continue to provide multi-mission offensive and defensive capabilities with the added benefit of sea-based protection from the ballistic missile threat.

Zumwalt Class (DDG 1000) Background

Developed under the DD(X) destroyer program, the Zumwalt-class destroyer (DDG 1000) is the lead ship of a class of next-generation multi-mission surface combatants tailored for land attack and littoral dominance with capabilities that defeat current and projected threats. DDG 1000 will triple naval surface fires coverage as well as tripling capability against anti-ship cruise missiles. DDG 1000 has a 50-fold radar cross section reduction compared to current destroyers, improves strike group defense 10-fold and has 10 times the operating area in shallow water regions against mines. For today's warfighter, DDG 1000 fills an immediate and critical naval-warfare gap, meeting validated Marine Corps fire support requirements.

The multi-mission DDG 1000 is tailored for sustained operations in the littorals and land attack, and will provide independent forward presence and deterrence, support special operations forces, and operate as an integral part of joint and combined expeditionary forces. Its multi-mission design and littoral capabilities make it a 100 percent globally deployable asset to the Fleet.

Designed to combat the threats of today as well as those of coming decades, these ships are equipped with numerous advanced technology and survivability systems.

DDG 1000 is the first U.S. Navy surface combatant to employ an innovative and highly survivable Integrated Power System (IPS). Key design features that make the DDG 1000 IPS architecture unique include the ability to provide power to propulsion, ship's service, and combat system loads from the same gas turbine prime movers. DDG 1000's power allocation flexibility allows for potentially significant energy savings and is well-suited to enable future high energy weapons and sensors.

The wave-piercing Tumblehome ship design has provided a wide array of advancements. The composite superstructure significantly reduces cross section and acoustic output making the ship harder to detect by enemies at sea. The design also allows for optimal manning with a standard crew size of 175 sailors, with an air detachment of 28 thereby decreasing lifecycle operations and support costs.

DDG 1000 will employ active and passive sensors and a Multi-Function Radar (MFR) capable of conducting area air surveillance, including over-land, throughout the extremely difficult and cluttered sea-land interface.

Each ship features a battery of two Advanced Gun Systems (AGS) firing Long-Range Land Attack Projectiles (LRLAP) that reach up to 63 nautical miles, providing a three-fold range improvement in naval surface fires coverage.

General Dynamics Bath Iron Works (BIW) is responsible for design, construction, integration, testing and delivery of the DDG 1000 class, and DDG 1002 steel deckhouse, hangar and aft Peripheral Vertical Launch System (PVLS). Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) is responsible for the fabrication of the composite deckhouse, helo hangar and aft PVLS for DDG 1000 and DDG 1001. Raytheon is responsible for software development and integration with BAE providing the AGS and LRLAP.

PEO Ships and its industry partners worked diligently to mature the ship's design and ready industrial facilities to ensure this advanced surface combatant is built on cost and on schedule. At 85 percent complete, the DDG 1000 design was more mature at start of fabrication than any lead surface combatant in history.

The Navy intends to procure three Zumwalt-class destroyers which are named in honor of former Chief of Naval Operations, Elmo R. "Bud" Zumwalt Jr.

Construction on DDG 1000 (ZUMWALT) commenced in February 2009. Launch of the ship occurred on Oct. 29, 2013. The ship is currently conducting Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical (HM&E) test and trials with a subsequent period to follow for Combat and Mission System Equipment installation, activation and test to follow.

DDG 1001 was named MICHAEL MONSOOR in October 2008 by then-Secretary of the Navy Donald Winter, honoring Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Monsoor, a Navy SEAL who was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions in Ramadi, Iraq, Sept. 29, 2006. DDG 1001 start of fabrication took place in October 2009. In July 2014, Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) delivered the DDG 1001 composite deckhouse to the Navy.

In April 2012, DDG 1002 was named LYNDON B. JOHNSON by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. The selection of Lyndon B. Johnson honors the nation's 36th president and continues the Navy tradition of naming ships after presidents. DDG 1002 start of fabrication took place April 4, 2012.

In April 2012, DDG 1002 was named LYNDON B. JOHNSON by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. The selection of Lyndon B. Johnson honors the nation's 36th president and continues the Navy tradition of naming ships after presidents. DDG 1002 start of fabrication took place April 4, 2012.


Flight I (51-71)

Flight II (72-78)

Flight IIA (79-116)



Bath Iron Works, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems 

Bath Iron Works, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems 

Bath Iron Works, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems 

General Dynamics Bath Iron Works


SPY-1 Radar and Combat System Integrator

SPY-1 Radar and Combat System Integrator

  • SLQ-32(V)3

  • Mk 53 Mod 0

    Decoy System

  • Mk 234

    Decoy System

  • SLQ-25A



  • SLQ-39

    Surface Decoy

  • URN-25


  • UPX-29 IFF


  • Kollmorgen

    Mk 46 Mod 1




SPY-3 Radar and Combat System Integrator: Raytheon is the prime contractor responsible for the Design and Development of the ZUMWALT Mission System, including software, Mission System Equipment (MSE) and many of the sensors for the DDG 1000 Class.




  • SPS-73(V)


  • SPS-67(V)3



  • SPY-1D


  • SPG-62

    Illuminator (3)

  • SQS-53C(V)1





Four General Electric LM 2500 gas turbines

Four General Electric LM 2500 gas turbines

  • General

    Electric LM-

    2500-30 Gas


    Engines (4)

  • Five-bladed



    propellers (2)

  • 105,000 H.P.



  • Rolls-


    9140, 501-

    K34 Gas


    Engines (3)

  • 7,500 Kw

(2) Main Turbine Generators (MTG); (2) Auxiliary Turbine Generators (ATG); (2) 34.6 MW Advanced Induction Motors (AIM)


505 feet (153.92 meters)

505 feet (153.92 meters)

509½ feet (155.29 meters).

610 ft


59 feet (18 meters)

59 feet (18 meters)

59 feet (18 meters)

80.7 ft


31 feet (9.4 meters)

31 feet (9.4 meters)

31 feet (9.4 meters)



8,230 L tons (8,362.06 metric tons) full load

8,637 L tons (8,775.6 metric tons) full load

9,496 L tons (9,648.40 metric tons) full load

15,656 L tons


30 knots

30 knots

30 knots

30 knots


 4,400 miles at 20kt

 4,400 miles at 20kt

 4,400 miles at 20kt






158 (including air det)



Standard Missile (SM-2MR); Vertical Launch ASROC (VLA) missiles; Tomahawk®; six MK-46 torpedoes (from two triple tube mounts); Close In Weapon System (CIWS)5” MK 45 Gun, Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) (DDG 79 AF)

  • Mk 41 Mod 7



    System (2)

  • 127-mm

    (5"/62 cal)

    dual purpose


  • VLS launched

    Enhanced Sea




  • 25-mm Chain

    Gun (2)

  • Mk 32 Mod

    14 Torpedo

    Tube (2)

(80) Advanced Vertical Launch (AVLS) cells for Tomahawk, ESSM, Standard Missile; (2) Advanced Gun System (AGS) 155 mm guns; Long-Range Land Attack Projectiles (LRLAP) 155 mm rounds; (2) MK 46 Close In Guns (CIGS)



Two LAMPS MK III MH-60 B/R helicopters with Penguin/Hellfire missiles and MK 46/MK 50 torpedoes.

Two multi-purpose Light Airborne Multipurpose System LAMPS MK III (SH-60) Sea Hawk helicopters

(2)MH60R or (1) MH60R and (3) VTUAVs







USS Nathan James (DDG 151) is a fictional destroyer with the hull number and name created for a TV show. No U.S. Navy ships have ever been designated DDG-151 or been named USS Nathan James. Many scenes were filmed onboard actual U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke class (DDG 51) guided-missile destroyers.  |  |  Navy FOIA  |  DoD Accessibility/Section 508  |  No Fear Act   |  Open Government  |  Plain Writing Act  |  Veterans Crisis Line  |  VA Vet Center  |  FVAP  |  DoD Safe Helpline  |  Navy SAPR  |  NCIS Tips  |  Privacy Policy  |  Site Map  |  Contact Us   |  988 Helpline
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