1 00:00:01,840 --> 00:00:03,729 Good morning , officers . Crew of 2 00:00:03,729 --> 00:00:05,673 family and friends . Thank you for 3 00:00:05,673 --> 00:00:07,673 joining us this morning on the 20th 4 00:00:07,673 --> 00:00:09,729 anniversary of the attack on U . S s 5 00:00:09,729 --> 00:00:11,507 Cole . Today we take the time . 6 00:00:11,507 --> 00:00:13,507 Remember our shipmates who paid the 7 00:00:13,507 --> 00:00:15,618 ultimate sacrifice for Freedom Ship's 8 00:00:15,618 --> 00:00:18,600 company hut and shun the guest . Please 9 00:00:18,600 --> 00:00:20,656 rise for the posting of our colors . 10 00:00:20,656 --> 00:00:22,822 Remain standing for the playing of our 11 00:00:22,822 --> 00:00:23,822 national anthem . 12 00:00:27,740 --> 00:00:30,860 But raid the colors , right ? 13 00:00:31,340 --> 00:00:32,340 Thanks . 14 00:00:34,640 --> 00:00:37,860 Forward much . 15 00:00:50,340 --> 00:00:52,060 Don't go . Oh , 16 00:00:53,940 --> 00:00:56,570 left . Hey , 17 00:00:59,240 --> 00:01:01,670 Gary Does 18 00:01:05,940 --> 00:01:08,760 ship's company hand salute ? 19 00:01:12,640 --> 00:01:14,970 Breathe it , girl . 20 00:01:18,040 --> 00:01:20,940 Oh , say , can you 21 00:01:20,940 --> 00:01:24,120 see By the dawn's 22 00:01:24,120 --> 00:01:27,650 early light what so 23 00:01:27,650 --> 00:01:31,550 proudly we held at 24 00:01:31,560 --> 00:01:34,410 the twilight last week 25 00:01:35,640 --> 00:01:39,640 Whose broad stripes and bright stars 26 00:01:39,650 --> 00:01:42,510 through the perilous 27 00:01:42,510 --> 00:01:46,210 fight or the ramparts 28 00:01:46,210 --> 00:01:48,960 we watched were so 29 00:01:48,960 --> 00:01:51,750 gallantly streaming 30 00:01:53,160 --> 00:01:55,050 on the rockets 31 00:01:57,040 --> 00:02:00,810 The bombs bursting in a 32 00:02:00,820 --> 00:02:03,860 gave proof through the 33 00:02:03,870 --> 00:02:07,290 night That our flag waas 34 00:02:07,290 --> 00:02:10,490 still there Oh , 35 00:02:10,490 --> 00:02:13,510 say , does that Star 36 00:02:13,510 --> 00:02:17,450 Spangled Bend get Ed 37 00:02:17,450 --> 00:02:21,320 wave or 38 00:02:21,320 --> 00:02:24,170 the land off 39 00:02:26,640 --> 00:02:26,980 on 40 00:02:26,990 --> 00:02:30,720 the 41 00:02:30,730 --> 00:02:33,050 breathe ? 42 00:02:35,040 --> 00:02:36,870 Really ? Tellers 43 00:02:39,340 --> 00:02:40,960 Ready to 44 00:02:46,240 --> 00:02:50,160 retire the colors ? Okay , 45 00:02:53,740 --> 00:02:56,460 Right face , 46 00:02:58,940 --> 00:03:01,860 We're March . 47 00:03:18,440 --> 00:03:20,607 Chaplain Hazel will now lead us in the 48 00:03:20,607 --> 00:03:20,570 invocation . 49 00:03:29,440 --> 00:03:30,250 Let us pray 50 00:03:33,140 --> 00:03:37,050 God of us All of our fathers and 51 00:03:37,050 --> 00:03:40,170 our mothers of our husbands and our 52 00:03:40,170 --> 00:03:43,710 wives of our sons and our daughters , 53 00:03:44,340 --> 00:03:47,930 God of us all here Today we open our 54 00:03:47,930 --> 00:03:50,550 hearts and our minds to this time of 55 00:03:50,550 --> 00:03:53,540 remembrance . We ask that you bless 56 00:03:53,540 --> 00:03:56,530 those stories told here today , and the 57 00:03:56,530 --> 00:03:59,960 storytellers bless us in listening that 58 00:03:59,960 --> 00:04:02,182 we may draw deeper meaning from what is 59 00:04:02,182 --> 00:04:04,970 shared here today mawr than ever before , 60 00:04:06,040 --> 00:04:08,390 and use this time to remind us that 61 00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:10,600 each one of us who were shaped by the 62 00:04:10,600 --> 00:04:13,960 events on the USS Cole 20 years ago 63 00:04:14,440 --> 00:04:17,100 are connected across the past and the 64 00:04:17,100 --> 00:04:19,570 present and into a shared future . 65 00:04:20,640 --> 00:04:23,130 Remind us that these brave men and 66 00:04:23,130 --> 00:04:26,070 women 20 years ago who trained together , 67 00:04:26,640 --> 00:04:29,800 worked together , lived together and in 68 00:04:29,800 --> 00:04:32,450 a time of reckoning , depended on each 69 00:04:32,450 --> 00:04:35,420 other like never before . They modeled 70 00:04:35,420 --> 00:04:37,476 for us what it means to be a part of 71 00:04:37,476 --> 00:04:40,020 the United States Navy . Indeed , what 72 00:04:40,020 --> 00:04:42,750 it means for us all to live out lives 73 00:04:42,760 --> 00:04:46,560 of honor , courage and commitment . So , 74 00:04:46,560 --> 00:04:49,110 Father , we thank you and we praise you 75 00:04:49,110 --> 00:04:51,277 for the opportunity to share this time 76 00:04:51,277 --> 00:04:54,800 together , toe lift up the memories and 77 00:04:54,800 --> 00:04:57,022 all them or the love they had for their 78 00:04:57,022 --> 00:04:59,250 families . For the sailor to the left , 79 00:04:59,250 --> 00:05:01,417 of them and the sailor to the right of 80 00:05:01,417 --> 00:05:04,450 them for their navy and their nation 81 00:05:05,440 --> 00:05:08,400 in your holy name , we pray , um , men , 82 00:05:14,940 --> 00:05:18,310 Yes . Please be seated . Ship's company 83 00:05:18,630 --> 00:05:20,350 Parade rest . 84 00:05:25,040 --> 00:05:26,984 Our first speaker today is Admiral 85 00:05:26,984 --> 00:05:29,140 Chris Grady , a native of Newport , 86 00:05:29,140 --> 00:05:31,196 Rhode Island , and a graduate of the 87 00:05:31,196 --> 00:05:33,800 University of Notre Dame . He is the 88 00:05:33,800 --> 00:05:35,744 current commander of United States 89 00:05:35,744 --> 00:05:37,800 Fleet Forces Command , based here in 90 00:05:37,800 --> 00:05:41,490 Norfolk , Virginia . He plans demands 91 00:05:41,500 --> 00:05:45,280 trains and equips over 125 ships , 92 00:05:45,290 --> 00:05:49,110 1000 aircraft , 110,000 active duty 93 00:05:49,110 --> 00:05:51,670 service members on government employees . 94 00:05:52,640 --> 00:05:54,584 As commander of U . S Fleet Forces 95 00:05:54,584 --> 00:05:57,000 Command , he is responsible for 96 00:05:57,000 --> 00:05:59,370 providing combat ready forces forward 97 00:05:59,380 --> 00:06:01,213 to numbered fleets and combatant 98 00:06:01,213 --> 00:06:03,380 commanders around the globe in support 99 00:06:03,380 --> 00:06:05,547 of US national interests . In addition 100 00:06:05,547 --> 00:06:07,380 to commanding U . S Fleet Forces 101 00:06:07,380 --> 00:06:09,158 Command and McGrady is also the 102 00:06:09,158 --> 00:06:12,190 commander of U . S Naval Forces , 103 00:06:12,190 --> 00:06:14,357 Northern Command Commander , U S Naval 104 00:06:14,357 --> 00:06:16,370 Forces Strategic Command and Joint 105 00:06:16,370 --> 00:06:18,592 Forest Maritime Component Commander for 106 00:06:18,592 --> 00:06:22,030 U S Strategic Command . During past 107 00:06:22,030 --> 00:06:24,197 assignments , he commanded the U . S . 108 00:06:24,197 --> 00:06:26,141 Navy six Fleet striking in support 109 00:06:26,141 --> 00:06:28,530 forces NATO Naval Surface Force , 110 00:06:28,530 --> 00:06:31,640 Atlantic Carrier Strike Group one , USS 111 00:06:31,650 --> 00:06:33,770 Carl Vinson , carry a straight group 112 00:06:34,240 --> 00:06:37,330 Destroyer Squadron , 22 U . S s chief 113 00:06:37,340 --> 00:06:39,910 USS Ardent and most notably , U . S s . 114 00:06:39,910 --> 00:06:42,300 Cole . Please give a warm welcome to 115 00:06:42,300 --> 00:06:43,300 animal greedy 116 00:06:54,710 --> 00:06:56,821 ladies and gentlemen . Good morning . 117 00:06:56,821 --> 00:06:58,877 And thank you for joining us here on 118 00:06:58,877 --> 00:07:00,988 this very special occasion . First to 119 00:07:00,988 --> 00:07:03,770 Admiral Shoal , Commodore Kenny , 120 00:07:04,440 --> 00:07:07,590 Commander Pledger and all of Team Cole , 121 00:07:07,850 --> 00:07:09,740 Thank you for coordinating such a 122 00:07:09,740 --> 00:07:11,740 fitting event here on the 20th 123 00:07:11,820 --> 00:07:14,153 Remembrance . You know , the story of U . 124 00:07:14,153 --> 00:07:16,550 S s . Cole is one of remarkable heroism , 125 00:07:17,040 --> 00:07:19,960 exceptional toughness and a fierce 126 00:07:19,960 --> 00:07:23,080 determination . It is also a story of 127 00:07:23,080 --> 00:07:26,400 solemn sacrifice . As such , the story 128 00:07:26,400 --> 00:07:28,800 of U . S s Cole represents a pivotal 129 00:07:28,810 --> 00:07:31,620 chapter in our Navy's proud history . 130 00:07:31,620 --> 00:07:34,390 And so , owing to the significance of 131 00:07:34,390 --> 00:07:36,501 cold story to our Navy and our nation 132 00:07:36,501 --> 00:07:39,670 today , we pause in places spanning the 133 00:07:39,670 --> 00:07:42,390 globe to remember those that we lost 134 00:07:42,400 --> 00:07:45,690 too soon to honor the heroic actions of 135 00:07:45,690 --> 00:07:47,990 the crew and to reflect on our 136 00:07:47,990 --> 00:07:51,530 responsibility to carry coals legacy 137 00:07:51,540 --> 00:07:54,900 forward . And thus I am personally 138 00:07:54,910 --> 00:07:57,620 deeply honored to be right here on this 139 00:07:57,620 --> 00:08:00,950 October 12 2020 together with all of 140 00:08:00,950 --> 00:08:03,540 team coal . As we look back on that 141 00:08:03,540 --> 00:08:05,950 fateful day 20 years ago , 142 00:08:07,240 --> 00:08:10,580 Nowhere was that event felt more deeply 143 00:08:10,690 --> 00:08:13,240 than right here with the families , the 144 00:08:13,240 --> 00:08:15,840 friends and the shipmates of the 17 145 00:08:15,840 --> 00:08:19,680 sailors we lost . And so today , two 146 00:08:19,680 --> 00:08:22,160 decades later , before there ever 147 00:08:22,160 --> 00:08:24,780 mighty U . S . S . Cole , we are 148 00:08:24,790 --> 00:08:27,410 honored to gather with you the coal 149 00:08:27,410 --> 00:08:30,740 gold star families and re inform our 150 00:08:30,740 --> 00:08:34,550 sacred bond . We stand with you , we 151 00:08:34,550 --> 00:08:37,340 support you and we will never forget 152 00:08:37,340 --> 00:08:40,630 your sacrifice . And I know that not 153 00:08:40,630 --> 00:08:42,940 just on days like today , but every day 154 00:08:42,980 --> 00:08:45,270 you grieve the loss of your loved one . 155 00:08:45,740 --> 00:08:48,020 And while grief from Los may change 156 00:08:48,020 --> 00:08:50,910 through the years , it never leaves us . 157 00:08:50,920 --> 00:08:53,480 So it is that I am incredibly humbled 158 00:08:53,490 --> 00:08:56,930 by your strength , your dignity and 159 00:08:56,930 --> 00:09:00,650 your Grace . That strength , dignity 160 00:09:00,650 --> 00:09:03,370 and grace is perhaps best exemplified 161 00:09:03,370 --> 00:09:05,700 by Mrs Mona Gun , who recently 162 00:09:05,700 --> 00:09:08,040 completed her term as president of the 163 00:09:08,040 --> 00:09:09,929 American Gold Star . Mothers , an 164 00:09:09,929 --> 00:09:13,450 organization committed to ensuring 165 00:09:13,460 --> 00:09:15,420 others who suffered from tragedy , 166 00:09:15,430 --> 00:09:19,340 never do so alone . Mona , I applaud 167 00:09:19,340 --> 00:09:21,600 you for keeping alive the memory of 168 00:09:21,600 --> 00:09:24,640 your son , Sherone , by serving others 169 00:09:24,640 --> 00:09:27,280 and perpetuating the noble principles 170 00:09:27,280 --> 00:09:29,960 and ideals for which he served , 171 00:09:38,340 --> 00:09:40,690 but also like to welcome Rear Admiral J . 172 00:09:40,690 --> 00:09:42,912 Foley , who commanded our Surface Force 173 00:09:42,912 --> 00:09:44,912 Atlantic lead In 2000 , Jay and his 174 00:09:44,912 --> 00:09:46,801 wife , Charlene , were intimately 175 00:09:46,801 --> 00:09:48,801 involved with the families from the 176 00:09:48,801 --> 00:09:50,980 very beginning of this story . Thank 177 00:09:50,980 --> 00:09:54,010 you both for being here . You're in 178 00:09:54,010 --> 00:09:56,520 Norm . You deserve enormous credit for 179 00:09:56,520 --> 00:09:59,240 forming that sacred bond between the 180 00:09:59,240 --> 00:10:01,930 Navy and our gold star families . Thank 181 00:10:01,930 --> 00:10:05,840 you for being as we mark this 182 00:10:05,850 --> 00:10:08,400 solemn milestone of 20 years since this 183 00:10:08,400 --> 00:10:11,470 insidious of attack , it is essential 184 00:10:11,780 --> 00:10:14,002 We recognized the extraordinary acts of 185 00:10:14,002 --> 00:10:16,670 the coal crew that faithful day and in 186 00:10:16,670 --> 00:10:19,080 the ones that followed . And as is true , 187 00:10:19,080 --> 00:10:21,690 in every chapter of our navy's Sartori , 188 00:10:21,700 --> 00:10:24,710 our coal sailors rose to the occasion . 189 00:10:24,820 --> 00:10:27,020 They upheld our finest traditions by 190 00:10:27,020 --> 00:10:29,187 rescuing their shipmates , fighting to 191 00:10:29,187 --> 00:10:31,660 save their ship under extremely arduous 192 00:10:31,660 --> 00:10:34,050 conditions . And in doing so , they 193 00:10:34,050 --> 00:10:36,750 personified our navy and our American 194 00:10:36,750 --> 00:10:39,970 fighting spirit . This is why again , I 195 00:10:39,970 --> 00:10:42,137 am immensely proud to welcome our cold 196 00:10:42,137 --> 00:10:44,248 heroes this morning . I am so pleased 197 00:10:44,248 --> 00:10:46,060 to see so many here despite the 198 00:10:46,060 --> 00:10:48,210 challenges of this pandemic . And I'm 199 00:10:48,210 --> 00:10:50,377 also grateful that this event is being 200 00:10:50,377 --> 00:10:52,488 streamed and broadcast live for those 201 00:10:52,488 --> 00:10:55,590 who could not make it so . On behalf of 202 00:10:55,590 --> 00:10:57,757 each of you I'd like to spend extend a 203 00:10:57,757 --> 00:11:00,090 special welcome to Commander Kirk 204 00:11:00,090 --> 00:11:02,980 Lippold , who commanded coal to Captain 205 00:11:02,980 --> 00:11:05,147 Chris Peter Smith , who served as XO , 206 00:11:05,147 --> 00:11:07,036 and to command Master Chief James 207 00:11:07,036 --> 00:11:09,147 Parlier , command master chief at the 208 00:11:09,147 --> 00:11:11,480 time . Thank you , sir , for being here . 209 00:11:18,940 --> 00:11:20,890 The famed American author and 210 00:11:20,890 --> 00:11:23,380 psychiatrist Irvin Yalom once wrote 211 00:11:23,380 --> 00:11:26,040 that each of us creates expanding 212 00:11:26,040 --> 00:11:28,470 circles of influence around ourselves 213 00:11:28,720 --> 00:11:30,942 that may affect others for years , even 214 00:11:30,942 --> 00:11:33,880 generations . He evoked this image of 215 00:11:33,880 --> 00:11:37,480 ripples in a pond propagating farther 216 00:11:37,480 --> 00:11:39,480 and farther from their source . The 217 00:11:39,480 --> 00:11:41,702 ripples created by our actions are felt 218 00:11:41,702 --> 00:11:44,370 by others . Even without our knowing 219 00:11:45,340 --> 00:11:47,340 and from time to time , I seemingly 220 00:11:47,340 --> 00:11:49,562 simple act spreads out like a ripple on 221 00:11:49,562 --> 00:11:52,270 a pond . But strike those around us 222 00:11:52,940 --> 00:11:56,390 like a tidal wave . What impact we have 223 00:11:56,390 --> 00:11:58,390 and where that has felt is tough to 224 00:11:58,390 --> 00:12:00,612 predict . And rarely do we get feedback 225 00:12:00,612 --> 00:12:03,160 on how meaningful our influence has 226 00:12:03,160 --> 00:12:06,530 been . Even less often do we learn 227 00:12:06,540 --> 00:12:09,930 how , as a direct result of our actions , 228 00:12:09,940 --> 00:12:12,120 those who have influenced those who 229 00:12:12,120 --> 00:12:13,898 have influenced have gone on to 230 00:12:13,898 --> 00:12:16,620 positively influence others . I can 231 00:12:16,620 --> 00:12:19,690 think of no better illustration of this 232 00:12:19,690 --> 00:12:22,430 ripple effect than U . S s Cole And to 233 00:12:22,430 --> 00:12:24,597 show you what I mean , I would like to 234 00:12:24,597 --> 00:12:26,170 share this video with you . 235 00:12:28,140 --> 00:12:31,810 Battle stations 21 is certainly the 236 00:12:31,810 --> 00:12:33,980 most significant training the recruits 237 00:12:33,980 --> 00:12:36,147 receive in terms of emotional impact . 238 00:12:36,147 --> 00:12:38,258 These recruits were getting out of it 239 00:12:38,258 --> 00:12:40,369 exactly what's intended . And that is 240 00:12:40,369 --> 00:12:42,369 that that emotional shock and to go 241 00:12:42,369 --> 00:12:44,950 through some fear in no place else does 242 00:12:44,950 --> 00:12:48,790 that like we do it . The coal 243 00:12:48,800 --> 00:12:51,600 is being honored every day with the 244 00:12:51,600 --> 00:12:53,378 recruits that come through this 245 00:12:53,378 --> 00:12:55,810 strainer . So for me , a U . S s Cole 246 00:12:55,930 --> 00:12:59,070 survivor to be working here , Um , 247 00:13:00,350 --> 00:13:02,350 I can't imagine ever doing anything 248 00:13:02,350 --> 00:13:04,860 else . It is immensely rewarding . 249 00:13:08,240 --> 00:13:11,360 I'm Jason Mosher and I was an F C three 250 00:13:11,840 --> 00:13:13,850 on the USS Cole in 2000 251 00:13:21,140 --> 00:13:25,130 when the attack occurred . I was in the 252 00:13:25,130 --> 00:13:27,430 mess line . It was a normal day up 253 00:13:27,430 --> 00:13:29,652 until that point . Then , as I'm in the 254 00:13:29,652 --> 00:13:32,840 mess line for lunch , there's this 255 00:13:32,850 --> 00:13:36,730 huge , loud , very sudden and brief 256 00:13:36,740 --> 00:13:40,000 popping sound . Andi , everything went 257 00:13:40,000 --> 00:13:42,770 dark and quiet , and there was a 258 00:13:43,640 --> 00:13:47,230 acrid smoke in the air . It 259 00:13:47,230 --> 00:13:49,540 was surreal , to say the least , 260 00:13:49,550 --> 00:13:53,370 and for 261 00:13:53,380 --> 00:13:56,980 myself and those around me , it took a 262 00:13:56,980 --> 00:14:00,910 moment for any kind of rational thought 263 00:14:00,910 --> 00:14:03,610 of what to do kicked in . Yeah , but 264 00:14:03,610 --> 00:14:05,666 the initial moment of the attack was 265 00:14:05,666 --> 00:14:08,150 pretty disorienting for for everybody 266 00:14:08,150 --> 00:14:10,180 that I was approached . Us . Navy 267 00:14:10,180 --> 00:14:11,990 officials in Borane today said 268 00:14:11,990 --> 00:14:14,900 suspected suicide fall badly damaged in 269 00:14:14,900 --> 00:14:17,067 a terrorist attack in Yemen . American 270 00:14:17,067 --> 00:14:19,460 sailors were killed , injured , missing . 271 00:14:19,470 --> 00:14:21,830 Yemen today the USS Cole was 272 00:14:26,040 --> 00:14:28,750 Yeah , I came to Great Lakes in 2000 273 00:14:28,760 --> 00:14:32,690 and three for my shore duty on battle 274 00:14:32,690 --> 00:14:35,760 stations . At that time was a 275 00:14:37,040 --> 00:14:39,440 a Siris of mock ups that recruit 276 00:14:39,440 --> 00:14:41,607 division commanders here Boot camp had 277 00:14:41,607 --> 00:14:43,329 put together in one of the old 278 00:14:43,329 --> 00:14:45,496 warehouses That no longer exists now . 279 00:14:45,496 --> 00:14:47,662 So it was awesome for me to be able to 280 00:14:47,662 --> 00:14:49,884 see this being built literally from the 281 00:14:49,884 --> 00:14:52,280 ground up . A Zai worked here . I had 282 00:14:52,280 --> 00:14:55,920 the opportunity toe visit on a somewhat 283 00:14:55,920 --> 00:14:57,642 regular basis . And see things 284 00:14:57,642 --> 00:14:59,809 progressed when it came time for me to 285 00:14:59,809 --> 00:15:02,060 get out of the Navy in 2000 and six . 286 00:15:02,070 --> 00:15:05,190 Uh , the word went out that the 287 00:15:05,200 --> 00:15:07,620 contractors were hiring people , uh , 288 00:15:07,630 --> 00:15:08,660 to work here 289 00:15:15,940 --> 00:15:18,620 literally every new sailor that has 290 00:15:18,620 --> 00:15:22,450 come into the navy since before 291 00:15:23,040 --> 00:15:25,820 I started working here in not just a 292 00:15:25,830 --> 00:15:27,970 battle station , but before I came to 293 00:15:27,980 --> 00:15:30,540 the naval station . Great lakes in 2000 294 00:15:30,540 --> 00:15:33,860 and three . At that time , Uh , the U . 295 00:15:33,860 --> 00:15:37,430 S s Cole was incorporated into battles 296 00:15:37,440 --> 00:15:40,450 into that legacy battle stations . In 297 00:15:40,450 --> 00:15:42,394 less than two , or less than three 298 00:15:42,394 --> 00:15:44,617 years after the attack on the Cole , it 299 00:15:44,617 --> 00:15:46,760 was already being kept fresh in every 300 00:15:46,760 --> 00:15:48,704 generation of sailor that has come 301 00:15:48,704 --> 00:15:51,890 through boot camp . That in itself 302 00:15:51,900 --> 00:15:54,011 can't be quantified . You know , it's 303 00:15:54,011 --> 00:15:56,233 it's amazing to still see that happen . 304 00:15:56,233 --> 00:15:58,233 There were sailors on there . There 305 00:15:58,233 --> 00:16:00,344 were heroes that women there and save 306 00:16:00,344 --> 00:16:02,289 the ship mates and put their lives 307 00:16:02,289 --> 00:16:05,720 before everybody else is and they die 308 00:16:05,730 --> 00:16:08,690 doing that , you need to put form every 309 00:16:08,690 --> 00:16:10,690 effort to get inside wherever those 310 00:16:10,690 --> 00:16:12,690 bodies air at and to get them out . 311 00:16:12,690 --> 00:16:14,801 Because you know what ? That might be 312 00:16:14,801 --> 00:16:17,180 You Someday I'm gonna save my shit . 313 00:16:17,180 --> 00:16:20,040 Makes no matter what . No matter what I 314 00:16:20,040 --> 00:16:22,151 will say . My shipping . I will go in 315 00:16:22,151 --> 00:16:24,262 there . I will grab them , and I will 316 00:16:24,262 --> 00:16:26,630 get out as soon as possible . The event 317 00:16:26,630 --> 00:16:29,870 takes place a day first on a mess deck , 318 00:16:29,880 --> 00:16:33,160 which is basically wrecked . Um , 319 00:16:33,170 --> 00:16:37,090 it's made to look 320 00:16:37,090 --> 00:16:39,900 like the entire mess deck was just 321 00:16:39,910 --> 00:16:43,070 destroyed in an explosion . Um , 322 00:16:43,640 --> 00:16:47,220 the the clock on that . Mastec is set 323 00:16:47,220 --> 00:16:49,710 to the time of the attack on the USS 324 00:16:49,710 --> 00:16:53,430 Cole . And , uh , the rest of the 325 00:16:53,430 --> 00:16:56,580 details are I won't discuss them , but 326 00:16:56,940 --> 00:16:59,900 they're designed to impress what might 327 00:16:59,910 --> 00:17:01,966 actually happen to people in such an 328 00:17:01,966 --> 00:17:05,570 attack on the recruits . It has a very 329 00:17:05,570 --> 00:17:07,890 powerful effect . I think the clock is 330 00:17:07,890 --> 00:17:10,001 the biggest one . All the clock being 331 00:17:10,001 --> 00:17:13,450 set to the time Uh , it's significant 332 00:17:13,670 --> 00:17:15,970 to me . It's a good way . I think Thio 333 00:17:16,640 --> 00:17:19,260 memorialize the cold in a really 334 00:17:19,260 --> 00:17:20,050 tangible way 335 00:17:24,540 --> 00:17:26,373 again . Every sailor that's come 336 00:17:26,373 --> 00:17:28,540 through boot camp in the last 17 years 337 00:17:28,540 --> 00:17:30,540 has been reminded of it . I've been 338 00:17:30,540 --> 00:17:32,470 reminded of its impact . Sending 339 00:17:32,470 --> 00:17:34,692 sailors to the fleet with this training 340 00:17:34,692 --> 00:17:36,914 just gives me hope that they'll be able 341 00:17:36,914 --> 00:17:39,470 to respond better . The crew of the 342 00:17:39,470 --> 00:17:41,970 coal fought very hard and very 343 00:17:41,970 --> 00:17:43,960 effectively to save that ship , so 344 00:17:43,960 --> 00:17:46,182 that's not a critique of the actions of 345 00:17:46,182 --> 00:17:48,900 my shipmates . But I can only imagine 346 00:17:48,900 --> 00:17:51,250 that with an experience like this under 347 00:17:51,250 --> 00:17:53,417 their belts , it'll just cause them to 348 00:17:53,417 --> 00:17:56,220 act sooner and fight even better and 349 00:17:56,220 --> 00:17:59,660 more effectively than we did on the way . 350 00:18:06,640 --> 00:18:08,751 But I think the most important legacy 351 00:18:08,751 --> 00:18:12,610 is that , uh , today the coal is 352 00:18:12,620 --> 00:18:15,030 assailing . She's out there with his 353 00:18:15,030 --> 00:18:17,320 much damage . As she took , she 354 00:18:17,320 --> 00:18:19,770 returned to the fight . And , you know , 355 00:18:19,770 --> 00:18:21,870 the coals motto is Gloria Mercies 356 00:18:21,870 --> 00:18:23,814 fortuitous , which is Gloria's the 357 00:18:23,814 --> 00:18:26,390 reward of Valley . And I think she's 358 00:18:26,400 --> 00:18:29,270 exemplifying that today with the 359 00:18:29,270 --> 00:18:31,381 recovery and how quickly she returned 360 00:18:31,381 --> 00:18:34,760 to see , I think as long as the U . S s 361 00:18:34,760 --> 00:18:37,750 Cole is at sea , um , it will be a 362 00:18:37,750 --> 00:18:39,840 reminder to the Navy and the rest of 363 00:18:39,840 --> 00:18:41,840 the world that we're not going down 364 00:18:41,840 --> 00:18:43,896 easy . If you try to knock us down , 365 00:18:43,896 --> 00:18:45,896 we're gonna come back in surprising 366 00:18:45,896 --> 00:18:48,900 ways like we did with the call . The 367 00:18:48,900 --> 00:18:51,740 most important thing to me about 368 00:18:51,750 --> 00:18:54,820 working here and keeping the coals 369 00:18:54,820 --> 00:18:58,560 legacy going is hoping that 370 00:18:58,570 --> 00:19:00,680 the families yeah , 371 00:19:02,640 --> 00:19:04,696 families and the loved ones of those 372 00:19:04,696 --> 00:19:07,900 who lost um , some of my shipmates 373 00:19:08,940 --> 00:19:12,910 and no , that Dallas is not in 374 00:19:12,910 --> 00:19:16,760 vain in that every day they're 375 00:19:16,760 --> 00:19:18,704 being honored their memories being 376 00:19:18,704 --> 00:19:21,050 honored by what's going on here in 377 00:19:21,060 --> 00:19:23,050 battle stations . Yeah , 378 00:19:38,940 --> 00:19:41,760 Ladies and gentlemen , Petty Officer 379 00:19:41,760 --> 00:19:43,871 Mosher is here with us today . So how 380 00:19:43,871 --> 00:19:45,982 about a round of applause for Jason ? 381 00:19:53,540 --> 00:19:55,596 You know , as I said , sometimes the 382 00:19:55,596 --> 00:19:57,484 ripples we create strike with the 383 00:19:57,484 --> 00:20:00,070 effect of a tidal wave . And I am proud 384 00:20:00,080 --> 00:20:02,390 that we honor the sacrifice of our 17 385 00:20:02,390 --> 00:20:04,720 sailors and the heroism of the entire 386 00:20:04,720 --> 00:20:06,831 cold crew . Think through things like 387 00:20:06,831 --> 00:20:09,350 battle stations 21 . This is just one 388 00:20:09,350 --> 00:20:11,900 example of how our current generation 389 00:20:11,900 --> 00:20:15,420 of sailors , our entire Navy , benefits 390 00:20:15,430 --> 00:20:19,030 from their legacy . And as we study the 391 00:20:19,030 --> 00:20:21,197 coal heroes actions , we don't have to 392 00:20:21,197 --> 00:20:23,252 look far to discover where they drew 393 00:20:23,252 --> 00:20:25,700 their inspirations . The coal heroes 394 00:20:25,710 --> 00:20:27,821 were unquestionably influenced by the 395 00:20:27,821 --> 00:20:30,154 ripples formed by their ship's namesake , 396 00:20:30,740 --> 00:20:33,470 Marine Sergeant Darrell Samuel . Cole 397 00:20:34,440 --> 00:20:36,500 is his name . Sergeant Cole was 398 00:20:36,500 --> 00:20:38,722 posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor 399 00:20:38,940 --> 00:20:40,680 for his dauntless initiative , 400 00:20:41,340 --> 00:20:43,950 unwavering courage and indomitable 401 00:20:43,960 --> 00:20:46,127 determination during the Battle of Iwo 402 00:20:46,127 --> 00:20:49,260 Jima 25 years ago in World War Two . 403 00:20:50,000 --> 00:20:52,700 And we're grateful to be joined today 404 00:20:52,980 --> 00:20:55,550 by Sergeant Cole's family , and I hope 405 00:20:55,560 --> 00:20:58,620 for the family . You can see how 406 00:20:58,630 --> 00:21:01,410 Sergeant Coles heroic actions have 407 00:21:01,410 --> 00:21:03,870 inspired bravery among the coal crew 408 00:21:04,340 --> 00:21:07,610 over 50 years later and continues 75 409 00:21:07,610 --> 00:21:10,930 years later as each sailor is inspired 410 00:21:11,090 --> 00:21:14,050 by their own determined warrior spirit . 411 00:21:16,440 --> 00:21:18,607 In keeping with the ripple effect , we 412 00:21:18,607 --> 00:21:20,662 thought it would be poignant , given 413 00:21:20,662 --> 00:21:22,718 the occasion for some of us who have 414 00:21:22,718 --> 00:21:24,884 intersected with coal over the last 20 415 00:21:24,884 --> 00:21:26,940 years to share our insights into the 416 00:21:26,940 --> 00:21:29,750 true extent of our 17 and the coal 417 00:21:29,750 --> 00:21:32,800 heroes influence . And so it is my 418 00:21:32,810 --> 00:21:34,760 great honor to welcome Admiral Bob 419 00:21:34,760 --> 00:21:37,620 Natter . The ideas of legacy , 420 00:21:37,970 --> 00:21:40,970 service and sacrifice are very familiar 421 00:21:40,970 --> 00:21:43,580 to him . Each of his six brothers 422 00:21:43,580 --> 00:21:46,080 served in uniforms . Both of his 423 00:21:46,080 --> 00:21:48,950 sisters married servicemen . All three 424 00:21:48,950 --> 00:21:52,480 of his daughters chose to extend the 425 00:21:52,480 --> 00:21:54,702 Navy , their time and the Lenten at her 426 00:21:54,702 --> 00:21:56,924 legacy by serving in the Navy as well . 427 00:21:57,740 --> 00:21:59,629 Much like the cold crew , Admiral 428 00:21:59,629 --> 00:22:02,020 Natter is intimately familiar with the 429 00:22:02,020 --> 00:22:04,160 demands of combat . As an officer in 430 00:22:04,160 --> 00:22:06,271 charge of a seal support craft during 431 00:22:06,271 --> 00:22:08,438 the Vietnam War , he and his crew were 432 00:22:08,438 --> 00:22:10,438 suddenly ambushed by enemy forces . 433 00:22:10,530 --> 00:22:13,000 Devil Matter with 10 of his shipmates 434 00:22:13,000 --> 00:22:15,222 was blown over board and wounded in the 435 00:22:15,222 --> 00:22:17,530 attack . And despite his injuries , 436 00:22:17,730 --> 00:22:19,952 Admiral Natter distinguished himself by 437 00:22:19,952 --> 00:22:22,119 re boarding the vessel and maneuvering 438 00:22:22,119 --> 00:22:23,952 it to enable his team to deliver 439 00:22:23,952 --> 00:22:26,580 suppressing fire in return and much 440 00:22:26,580 --> 00:22:30,230 like all of our coal heroes , a federal 441 00:22:30,230 --> 00:22:33,760 matter put himself before others 442 00:22:34,340 --> 00:22:36,451 excuse me , put others before himself 443 00:22:38,040 --> 00:22:40,096 as the last commander in chief of US 444 00:22:40,096 --> 00:22:42,318 Atlantic Lee and the first commander of 445 00:22:42,318 --> 00:22:44,373 U . S Fleet Forces Command . Emerald 446 00:22:44,373 --> 00:22:46,540 Matter serves as a personal role model 447 00:22:46,540 --> 00:22:49,360 and mentor to me . Following the attack , 448 00:22:49,670 --> 00:22:51,837 Admiral Natter walk to the deck plates 449 00:22:51,837 --> 00:22:53,948 of the damaged ship , visited wounded 450 00:22:53,948 --> 00:22:56,340 shipmates and converted the families 451 00:22:56,550 --> 00:22:58,772 that funerals for all of our fallen say 452 00:22:58,772 --> 00:23:02,240 angels . Later , our paths intersected 453 00:23:02,240 --> 00:23:04,407 with coal in a very special way . When 454 00:23:04,407 --> 00:23:06,573 I had the honor of having coal , which 455 00:23:06,573 --> 00:23:08,518 I commanded the time served as the 456 00:23:08,518 --> 00:23:10,740 backdrop for his retirement ceremony in 457 00:23:10,740 --> 00:23:13,000 2000 and three . Ladies and general , 458 00:23:13,000 --> 00:23:15,167 please , Gentlemen , please join me in 459 00:23:15,167 --> 00:23:16,889 welcoming Admiral Bob Natter . 460 00:23:29,440 --> 00:23:30,996 Thank you very much , sir . 461 00:23:33,740 --> 00:23:37,660 It's 11 . 18 on this very day October 462 00:23:37,660 --> 00:23:41,380 12th , 20 years ago , while U . S s 463 00:23:41,380 --> 00:23:44,050 Cole refuels in Aden harbor , two men 464 00:23:44,050 --> 00:23:46,420 in a small boat approached , smiling 465 00:23:46,420 --> 00:23:49,060 and waving . Just the boat pulls 466 00:23:49,060 --> 00:23:51,250 alongside . Suddenly , a massive 467 00:23:51,250 --> 00:23:54,440 explosion blows a huge hole in the side 468 00:23:54,440 --> 00:23:57,190 of the coal , extending 16 ft below the 469 00:23:57,190 --> 00:23:59,900 waterline . The blast enters the 470 00:23:59,910 --> 00:24:03,370 machinery space and violently pushes 471 00:24:03,540 --> 00:24:05,960 still galley deck upward , killing 472 00:24:05,960 --> 00:24:09,620 sailors as they lined up for lunch . 17 473 00:24:09,620 --> 00:24:11,360 of our sailors , your sons and 474 00:24:11,360 --> 00:24:12,360 daughters , 475 00:24:18,340 --> 00:24:21,060 your brothers and sisters . Your fellow 476 00:24:21,060 --> 00:24:23,960 shipmates are killed in 37 . Or would , 477 00:24:25,640 --> 00:24:27,696 despite the severity of that blast , 478 00:24:27,696 --> 00:24:30,070 Cole has kept afloat Onley through the 479 00:24:30,080 --> 00:24:32,350 Herculean damage control efforts of the 480 00:24:32,350 --> 00:24:35,560 crew over several days , all while 481 00:24:35,560 --> 00:24:37,449 standing ready to defend the ship 482 00:24:37,640 --> 00:24:39,584 against a possible second attack . 483 00:24:40,840 --> 00:24:42,840 While I wasn't there and Aidan that 484 00:24:42,840 --> 00:24:45,150 fateful day clearly recall being 485 00:24:45,150 --> 00:24:47,900 informed in being struck with how very 486 00:24:47,900 --> 00:24:50,120 lonely and short of reinforcements 487 00:24:50,130 --> 00:24:52,830 Commander Lippold and his entire crew 488 00:24:52,840 --> 00:24:56,030 must have felt . I also recall how this 489 00:24:56,030 --> 00:24:59,340 attack in so many ways reminded me of 490 00:24:59,340 --> 00:25:02,010 another attack . The cold crews . 491 00:25:02,010 --> 00:25:04,590 Actions that day lived up to the 492 00:25:04,590 --> 00:25:07,270 courageous and determined examples set 493 00:25:07,280 --> 00:25:09,391 by their Navy predecessors during the 494 00:25:09,391 --> 00:25:11,530 attack at Pearl Harbor on December 495 00:25:11,540 --> 00:25:13,870 December 7th , 1941 . 496 00:25:14,740 --> 00:25:17,870 Except Cole was all alone at Nadin , 497 00:25:18,410 --> 00:25:20,850 and the entire crew knew there was no 498 00:25:20,850 --> 00:25:23,650 immediate help close by . But they also 499 00:25:23,650 --> 00:25:26,480 knew there was no giving up . Cole 500 00:25:26,480 --> 00:25:28,890 answered the call that day . They 501 00:25:28,900 --> 00:25:31,122 answered the call to general quarters . 502 00:25:31,122 --> 00:25:33,720 They answered the call of duty exactly 503 00:25:33,730 --> 00:25:36,670 as they had sworn their oath to do and 504 00:25:36,670 --> 00:25:38,970 exactly how they were trained to do . 505 00:25:39,940 --> 00:25:42,120 And after two backbreaking sweltering 506 00:25:42,120 --> 00:25:44,770 weeks , they got coal underway , 507 00:25:45,440 --> 00:25:48,560 sending a clear , unmistakable message . 508 00:25:49,040 --> 00:25:50,873 Cold left Aden Harbor with their 509 00:25:50,873 --> 00:25:53,510 battlements and flying hi ! And our 510 00:25:53,510 --> 00:25:55,677 national anthem blaring on the ships , 511 00:25:55,677 --> 00:25:59,250 one EMC so that everyone in and around 512 00:25:59,250 --> 00:26:02,680 Aden harbor new the cold was coming 513 00:26:02,680 --> 00:26:05,420 back . I also remember our Navy 514 00:26:05,420 --> 00:26:07,520 community , led by Rear Admiral J . 515 00:26:07,520 --> 00:26:10,290 Foley and his wife , Shar , and their 516 00:26:10,290 --> 00:26:12,520 staffs helping with the families here 517 00:26:12,520 --> 00:26:15,210 in the United States . I remember our 518 00:26:15,210 --> 00:26:17,400 civilian shipyard workers packing out 519 00:26:17,400 --> 00:26:19,660 immediately to board aircraft and fly 520 00:26:19,660 --> 00:26:21,960 toe Aidan to assist in the recovery and 521 00:26:21,960 --> 00:26:25,550 repair . I remember distinctly FBI 522 00:26:25,550 --> 00:26:28,480 director Louis free calling on saying 523 00:26:28,480 --> 00:26:31,040 he was sending his best agents out to 524 00:26:31,040 --> 00:26:33,190 coal so that they could determine who 525 00:26:33,190 --> 00:26:35,310 did this act and take the appropriate 526 00:26:35,320 --> 00:26:38,050 action to bring them to justice . And 527 00:26:38,050 --> 00:26:40,700 that's being done to this day . I 528 00:26:40,710 --> 00:26:42,766 recall the many offers of assistance 529 00:26:42,766 --> 00:26:44,710 from others are French and British 530 00:26:44,710 --> 00:26:47,140 allies immediately offering to respond 531 00:26:47,140 --> 00:26:49,810 with their forces in the region . I 532 00:26:49,810 --> 00:26:52,770 remember how Mayor Paul Frame called 533 00:26:52,770 --> 00:26:54,992 and offered assistance for the local co 534 00:26:54,992 --> 00:26:56,826 families on behalf of his fellow 535 00:26:56,826 --> 00:26:58,830 citizens here in Norfolk , and I 536 00:26:58,830 --> 00:27:02,010 remember vividly Senator Warner calling 537 00:27:02,010 --> 00:27:04,540 and asking me how he could help , and I 538 00:27:04,540 --> 00:27:06,818 told him there most certainly was away . 539 00:27:07,240 --> 00:27:09,184 He agreed immediately to introduce 540 00:27:09,184 --> 00:27:11,407 congressional funding to repair cold as 541 00:27:11,407 --> 00:27:13,540 fast as possible so she could rejoin 542 00:27:13,540 --> 00:27:15,540 the fight and helped deliver a ah , 543 00:27:15,540 --> 00:27:17,800 powerful response to Al Qaeda for their 544 00:27:17,800 --> 00:27:20,820 cowardly act . And of course , ladies 545 00:27:20,820 --> 00:27:23,070 and gentlemen , none of us will ever 546 00:27:23,070 --> 00:27:26,470 forget the sad funerals here in Norfolk 547 00:27:27,940 --> 00:27:30,970 and into too many other communities . 548 00:27:32,040 --> 00:27:34,262 I also recall the return of our wounded 549 00:27:34,540 --> 00:27:36,596 and President Clinton coming here to 550 00:27:36,596 --> 00:27:38,762 Norfolk to meet with them and then his 551 00:27:38,762 --> 00:27:40,873 televised remarks on the pair amongst 552 00:27:40,873 --> 00:27:43,400 our ships . At that event , I recall 553 00:27:43,400 --> 00:27:45,622 introducing the president and finishing 554 00:27:45,622 --> 00:27:47,800 my remarks by saying to him directly , 555 00:27:47,810 --> 00:27:50,010 Mr President , when it comes time for 556 00:27:50,010 --> 00:27:52,177 our nation to respond to this attack , 557 00:27:52,177 --> 00:27:54,760 remember the coal ? Finally and most 558 00:27:54,760 --> 00:27:57,320 importantly , I remember how in 2000 559 00:27:57,320 --> 00:27:59,540 and three Onley three years after the 560 00:27:59,540 --> 00:28:02,090 attack , I purposely had Cold War 561 00:28:02,090 --> 00:28:04,490 alongside . The pair is a retired from 562 00:28:04,490 --> 00:28:07,280 the Navy for one big reason . The 563 00:28:07,280 --> 00:28:09,540 highlight The CO was back , and the 564 00:28:09,540 --> 00:28:11,800 highlight there was that there was no 565 00:28:11,800 --> 00:28:14,022 other ship in the entire Atlantic Fleet 566 00:28:14,022 --> 00:28:16,078 for which I was more proud during my 567 00:28:16,078 --> 00:28:17,856 three years . Is that the Fleet 568 00:28:17,856 --> 00:28:20,210 Commander . As I stand here today , 569 00:28:20,210 --> 00:28:23,010 along with all of you in front of this 570 00:28:23,010 --> 00:28:25,380 mighty U . S . S . Cole , I am proud to 571 00:28:25,380 --> 00:28:28,280 say that we remain fully committed to 572 00:28:28,280 --> 00:28:31,540 doing our duty . And I ask you and 573 00:28:31,540 --> 00:28:34,380 indeed , I ask all Americans as we look 574 00:28:34,380 --> 00:28:37,210 forward to the future toe . Always do 575 00:28:37,210 --> 00:28:40,150 our duty to remember and honor U . S s 576 00:28:40,150 --> 00:28:43,000 Cole to honor those who fought in her 577 00:28:43,010 --> 00:28:44,788 to honor those who were wounded 578 00:28:44,788 --> 00:28:46,788 fighting in her , and especially to 579 00:28:46,788 --> 00:28:48,621 honor those who gave their lives 580 00:28:48,621 --> 00:28:50,970 fighting in her . Ladies and gentlemen , 581 00:28:51,640 --> 00:28:53,560 we must never forget our date . 582 00:28:54,040 --> 00:28:55,151 Remember the coal ? 583 00:28:58,140 --> 00:28:59,140 Yeah . 584 00:29:09,540 --> 00:29:11,750 Thank you . And monitor this point . I 585 00:29:11,750 --> 00:29:13,972 would like to welcome a McGrady back to 586 00:29:13,972 --> 00:29:16,028 the podium . Emigrate ? He was . The 587 00:29:16,028 --> 00:29:18,083 USS Cole is fifth commanding officer 588 00:29:18,083 --> 00:29:20,400 from January 2000 and three to July 589 00:29:20,400 --> 00:29:21,360 2000 and four . 590 00:29:28,740 --> 00:29:30,770 While I was incredibly proud and 591 00:29:30,770 --> 00:29:32,992 honored to join Team Coal is commanding 592 00:29:32,992 --> 00:29:36,130 officer in January 2000 and three . The 593 00:29:36,130 --> 00:29:38,480 coal heroes influence on me began as it 594 00:29:38,480 --> 00:29:42,120 did for many others from afar . When I 595 00:29:42,120 --> 00:29:44,342 first learned of the news of the attack 596 00:29:44,342 --> 00:29:46,231 and I heard of the loss of our 17 597 00:29:46,231 --> 00:29:49,980 sailors I was awestruck . You know , in 598 00:29:49,980 --> 00:29:51,930 the profession of arms , we're all 599 00:29:51,930 --> 00:29:53,652 aware of the risk we face . We 600 00:29:53,652 --> 00:29:55,708 understand the consequences , and we 601 00:29:55,708 --> 00:29:58,060 prepare ourselves for whatever fate may 602 00:29:58,060 --> 00:30:01,240 come . We understand that duty require 603 00:30:01,240 --> 00:30:03,720 sacrifice that we must be willing to 604 00:30:03,720 --> 00:30:06,590 give of ourselves to support and defend 605 00:30:06,590 --> 00:30:08,640 others . You know that sense of 606 00:30:08,640 --> 00:30:10,970 sacrifices ingrained in all of us 607 00:30:12,140 --> 00:30:15,770 ship shipmate self 608 00:30:17,040 --> 00:30:19,207 nevertheless , each time we suffer the 609 00:30:19,207 --> 00:30:21,373 loss of our own thing effect from that 610 00:30:21,373 --> 00:30:23,707 loss ripples instantly around the world , 611 00:30:23,720 --> 00:30:26,240 and we all felt a deep connection to 612 00:30:26,240 --> 00:30:29,140 those 17 sailors and their families , 613 00:30:29,140 --> 00:30:31,100 and we all mourned alongside you 614 00:30:31,270 --> 00:30:34,710 wherever we were . As I learned more 615 00:30:34,710 --> 00:30:37,300 about the event in the days and weeks 616 00:30:37,300 --> 00:30:39,467 that follows , the coal heroes left me 617 00:30:39,467 --> 00:30:41,467 with another indelible impression . 618 00:30:41,467 --> 00:30:44,580 That of a well trained tough crew who , 619 00:30:44,580 --> 00:30:47,030 after absorbing a devastating blow , 620 00:30:47,040 --> 00:30:49,140 rose to the immense challenge of 621 00:30:49,150 --> 00:30:51,150 rescuing their shipmates and saving 622 00:30:51,150 --> 00:30:53,440 their ship without their determined and 623 00:30:53,440 --> 00:30:55,870 brave action . Coal would have rolled 624 00:30:55,870 --> 00:30:58,040 over and sunk right there at Aden 625 00:30:58,040 --> 00:31:00,370 harbor , but the coal heroes outright 626 00:31:00,380 --> 00:31:02,520 refused to let that happen , and that 627 00:31:02,530 --> 00:31:04,730 is their legacy . And indeed , they 628 00:31:04,730 --> 00:31:06,674 lived up to the legacy of not just 629 00:31:06,674 --> 00:31:09,330 their ship's namesake , Sergeant Cole . 630 00:31:09,340 --> 00:31:12,140 But others , such as that of geek 631 00:31:12,150 --> 00:31:15,270 Johnny and the the famous Sammy be from 632 00:31:15,270 --> 00:31:17,670 World War Two , and it was clear to me 633 00:31:17,670 --> 00:31:19,740 that they carried forward our proud 634 00:31:19,740 --> 00:31:21,680 heritage of fighting with honor , 635 00:31:22,240 --> 00:31:25,220 courage and commitment , and they will 636 00:31:25,220 --> 00:31:29,040 forever have our respect . As weeks 637 00:31:29,040 --> 00:31:31,096 turned into a month , another ripple 638 00:31:31,096 --> 00:31:33,207 struck me . This an impression not of 639 00:31:33,207 --> 00:31:35,429 the coal heroes directly , but rather a 640 00:31:35,429 --> 00:31:37,840 reflection of them . I was struck by 641 00:31:37,840 --> 00:31:40,200 the determined warrior spirit exhibited 642 00:31:40,200 --> 00:31:42,460 by our mighty industrial base . Those 643 00:31:42,460 --> 00:31:44,580 patriotic , proud , passionate and 644 00:31:44,580 --> 00:31:46,750 productive craftsman lived up to their 645 00:31:46,750 --> 00:31:49,570 great legacy by repairing this ship in 646 00:31:49,570 --> 00:31:52,290 Onley 15 months . And thanks to their 647 00:31:52,290 --> 00:31:55,490 tenacity and teamwork , Cole has never 648 00:31:55,490 --> 00:31:57,601 missed a beat , and she made her next 649 00:31:57,601 --> 00:32:01,390 deployment on time . From the very 650 00:32:01,390 --> 00:32:03,279 moment I arrived in coal , it was 651 00:32:03,279 --> 00:32:05,560 crystal clear to me that this crew was 652 00:32:05,560 --> 00:32:08,370 even mawr determined than ever . Over 653 00:32:08,370 --> 00:32:10,550 two years later , many of this crew 654 00:32:10,560 --> 00:32:12,671 were the very ones who fought to save 655 00:32:12,671 --> 00:32:15,780 their shipmate and their ship . In fact , 656 00:32:15,780 --> 00:32:19,550 they insisted on deploying again , and 657 00:32:19,550 --> 00:32:21,772 many others of the crew experienced the 658 00:32:21,772 --> 00:32:24,610 attack exactly as I had from afar , and 659 00:32:24,620 --> 00:32:26,830 they too , were willing to do whatever 660 00:32:26,830 --> 00:32:29,190 it took to get their ship ready to 661 00:32:29,190 --> 00:32:32,090 deploy again . Like me , they wanted to 662 00:32:32,090 --> 00:32:34,620 be part of that team that brought cold 663 00:32:34,620 --> 00:32:37,470 back into the fight better than ever . 664 00:32:38,140 --> 00:32:40,140 And we were extremely proud to take 665 00:32:40,140 --> 00:32:43,260 coal on her return deployment . And we 666 00:32:43,260 --> 00:32:45,340 were inspired to honor our fallen 667 00:32:45,340 --> 00:32:47,540 shipmates and felt a deep sense of 668 00:32:47,540 --> 00:32:49,520 responsibility to live up to the 669 00:32:49,520 --> 00:32:53,130 examples set by our predecessors . To 670 00:32:53,130 --> 00:32:56,000 this day , I am still inspired by my 671 00:32:56,000 --> 00:32:58,510 experience is gonna command when the 672 00:32:58,510 --> 00:33:00,732 crew would respond almost instinctively 673 00:33:00,732 --> 00:33:03,066 to any challenge in their way by saying , 674 00:33:03,066 --> 00:33:05,330 We want to deploy , we have to do the 675 00:33:05,330 --> 00:33:07,420 hardest stuff and we have to do this 676 00:33:07,420 --> 00:33:11,160 right because our 17 would have it no 677 00:33:11,160 --> 00:33:14,520 other way . And I also think back very 678 00:33:14,520 --> 00:33:17,080 fondly of how we were warmly embraced 679 00:33:17,090 --> 00:33:19,257 by our allies and partners during that 680 00:33:19,257 --> 00:33:21,368 return deployment . I remember during 681 00:33:21,368 --> 00:33:23,870 joint ups of the NATO task group , when 682 00:33:23,870 --> 00:33:26,760 allied ships would come alongside man 683 00:33:26,760 --> 00:33:30,060 the rail and render honors to our 17 . 684 00:33:30,440 --> 00:33:33,080 Clearly , the ripples created by the 685 00:33:33,080 --> 00:33:36,070 coal heroes had traveled across the 686 00:33:36,070 --> 00:33:38,560 oceans and influenced them as well . 687 00:33:39,840 --> 00:33:42,470 Suffice it to say I am profoundly proud 688 00:33:42,470 --> 00:33:44,637 to call myself a member of team coal . 689 00:33:45,240 --> 00:33:47,407 Everyone privileged enough to serve in 690 00:33:47,407 --> 00:33:49,518 her knows that because of the example 691 00:33:49,518 --> 00:33:52,870 set by our 17 and by the coal heroes , 692 00:33:53,120 --> 00:33:56,060 she is a truly special ship . In fact , 693 00:33:56,540 --> 00:33:58,707 I think we would all agree there is no 694 00:33:58,707 --> 00:34:00,818 other ship anywhere in the fleet that 695 00:34:00,818 --> 00:34:03,050 fits its motto better than U . S s Cole 696 00:34:03,940 --> 00:34:07,530 determined warrior . The ripples 697 00:34:07,530 --> 00:34:10,170 formed by our 17 and the coal heroes 698 00:34:10,170 --> 00:34:12,281 continue to spread across the world's 699 00:34:12,281 --> 00:34:14,392 oceans today , and they will do so in 700 00:34:14,392 --> 00:34:17,050 the future . Their actions epitomized 701 00:34:17,050 --> 00:34:19,470 America's fighting spirit , bravery , 702 00:34:19,840 --> 00:34:23,440 toughness , tenacity and a resolve to 703 00:34:23,450 --> 00:34:26,470 never give up What , though , the odds 704 00:34:27,840 --> 00:34:30,062 for the citizens of this great nation ? 705 00:34:30,140 --> 00:34:32,720 No , that I see reflections of our 17 706 00:34:32,720 --> 00:34:34,950 and the coal heroes in today sailors . 707 00:34:34,960 --> 00:34:37,200 And this gives me tremendous confidence 708 00:34:37,290 --> 00:34:39,570 that the American fighting spirit is 709 00:34:39,570 --> 00:34:42,590 alive and well today . Today , the 710 00:34:42,590 --> 00:34:45,080 entire Navy family , wherever they are 711 00:34:45,080 --> 00:34:47,340 around the world , recommits ourselves 712 00:34:47,340 --> 00:34:50,680 to living up to the legacy of our 17 713 00:34:50,680 --> 00:34:54,150 and the coal heroes . And finally , and 714 00:34:54,150 --> 00:34:56,660 perhaps most importantly , as we enter 715 00:34:56,660 --> 00:34:58,850 this era of great power competition , 716 00:34:59,170 --> 00:35:01,600 any potential adversary to the United 717 00:35:01,600 --> 00:35:03,550 States should recognize an obvious 718 00:35:03,550 --> 00:35:07,120 message that Al Qaeda missed . Never 719 00:35:07,170 --> 00:35:10,340 underestimate our resolve . The U . S . 720 00:35:10,340 --> 00:35:12,920 Navy was undeterred by the attack on U . 721 00:35:12,920 --> 00:35:16,110 S . S Cole . Our actions over the last 722 00:35:16,110 --> 00:35:18,640 20 years proved that . And that's 723 00:35:18,640 --> 00:35:21,940 because our 17 and the coal heroes 724 00:35:22,250 --> 00:35:24,870 would have it no other way . Thank you . 725 00:35:34,540 --> 00:35:36,651 Thank you . Have McGrady , Ladies and 726 00:35:36,651 --> 00:35:38,873 gentlemen , Commander Edward . Pleasure 727 00:35:38,873 --> 00:35:40,762 granting Officer U . S . S . Cole 728 00:35:52,640 --> 00:35:54,807 M one daughter McGrady . Thank you for 729 00:35:54,807 --> 00:35:57,740 your kind words . Anyone who has served 730 00:35:57,740 --> 00:36:00,100 aboard coal knows how much of an honor 731 00:36:00,100 --> 00:36:02,433 it is to be called a determined warrior . 732 00:36:02,830 --> 00:36:04,774 We're humbled by the extraordinary 733 00:36:04,774 --> 00:36:06,608 privilege of marking the 20 year 734 00:36:06,608 --> 00:36:09,480 milestone . Is your hosts today ? We 735 00:36:09,480 --> 00:36:11,591 find ourselves preparing for our next 736 00:36:11,591 --> 00:36:13,424 deployment with the crew so busy 737 00:36:13,424 --> 00:36:15,424 training and preparing , one of the 738 00:36:15,424 --> 00:36:17,647 joys is commanding officers walking the 739 00:36:17,647 --> 00:36:19,869 deck plates , Seeing all the great work 740 00:36:19,869 --> 00:36:22,091 by our sailors . The highlight of these 741 00:36:22,091 --> 00:36:24,147 walks these walkabouts is seeing the 742 00:36:24,147 --> 00:36:26,380 sailors shine the 17 gold stars laid 743 00:36:26,380 --> 00:36:29,700 into the deck of the mess line . These 744 00:36:29,700 --> 00:36:33,130 stars 17 brass stars probably shine 745 00:36:33,330 --> 00:36:35,600 every morning by Cole . Sailors are 746 00:36:35,600 --> 00:36:39,070 attribute to the 17 coal heroes who 747 00:36:39,070 --> 00:36:42,010 made the ultimate sacrifice . Those 748 00:36:42,010 --> 00:36:44,400 stars remind me of how my crew is a 749 00:36:44,400 --> 00:36:46,870 direct reflection of the coal heroes 750 00:36:47,100 --> 00:36:50,670 and the determine where ethos . To help 751 00:36:50,670 --> 00:36:52,559 illustrate how today's determined 752 00:36:52,559 --> 00:36:54,670 warriors carry on the fighting spirit 753 00:36:54,670 --> 00:36:56,837 of those who went before us , I'd like 754 00:36:56,837 --> 00:36:59,059 to share some examples of their honor , 755 00:36:59,059 --> 00:37:02,240 courage and commitment . About two 756 00:37:02,240 --> 00:37:04,240 years ago , we were in the shipyard 757 00:37:04,240 --> 00:37:06,300 just up the river in Norfolk . One 758 00:37:06,300 --> 00:37:08,411 night a fire broke out on the ship on 759 00:37:08,411 --> 00:37:11,210 the adjacent Pierre Kohl's duty section , 760 00:37:11,220 --> 00:37:14,740 swung into action . LS three Muhsin and 761 00:37:14,740 --> 00:37:16,851 B M to shepherd , rapidly dressed out 762 00:37:16,851 --> 00:37:19,073 in firefighting gear , raised the Oscar 763 00:37:19,073 --> 00:37:21,073 Austin and checked in Ready to Go . 764 00:37:21,430 --> 00:37:23,319 There is a report of a contractor 765 00:37:23,319 --> 00:37:25,430 trapped in the fire on Oscar Austin . 766 00:37:25,430 --> 00:37:27,541 Sailor Lead aisles three and being to 767 00:37:27,541 --> 00:37:29,597 to the scene and once on the scene , 768 00:37:29,597 --> 00:37:31,263 they weren't able to find the 769 00:37:31,263 --> 00:37:33,374 contractor he'd been able to escape . 770 00:37:33,374 --> 00:37:35,541 But they did find Oscar . Also sailors 771 00:37:35,541 --> 00:37:37,541 fighting the Fire and Ford Officers 772 00:37:37,541 --> 00:37:39,208 Country , demonstrating their 773 00:37:39,208 --> 00:37:41,600 determined warrior attitude . LS three 774 00:37:41,610 --> 00:37:44,690 and B M two grab the hose and joined 775 00:37:44,690 --> 00:37:47,610 the battle . Within minutes , the Oscar 776 00:37:47,610 --> 00:37:49,832 also sailors had to egress due to their 777 00:37:49,832 --> 00:37:52,140 oxygen bottles running low . So there 778 00:37:52,140 --> 00:37:54,400 they were , two brave , determined 779 00:37:54,400 --> 00:37:56,970 warriors , each manning of fire hose 780 00:37:57,230 --> 00:38:00,160 alone in the dark , face to face with 781 00:38:00,160 --> 00:38:02,960 the fire . Very soon thereafter , 782 00:38:02,960 --> 00:38:05,071 Kohl's entire duty section arrived to 783 00:38:05,071 --> 00:38:06,793 assist their austere , awesome 784 00:38:06,793 --> 00:38:08,793 shipmates recognized , and he was a 785 00:38:08,793 --> 00:38:10,849 senior damage control expert there . 786 00:38:10,849 --> 00:38:13,016 That night , D C one Catrin calls Fire 787 00:38:13,016 --> 00:38:15,238 Marshal took charge of the firefighting 788 00:38:15,238 --> 00:38:17,404 efforts . Wholesalers quickly formed . 789 00:38:17,404 --> 00:38:19,460 Host teams proceeded inside the fire 790 00:38:19,460 --> 00:38:22,030 boundary and fought the fire after 791 00:38:22,030 --> 00:38:23,863 being notified to the fire while 792 00:38:23,863 --> 00:38:25,919 they're home called Damage Control , 793 00:38:25,919 --> 00:38:27,974 Assistant Lieutenant Jesse Story and 794 00:38:27,974 --> 00:38:29,919 our chief damage Control and Brian 795 00:38:29,919 --> 00:38:32,086 Martin jumped in their cars and raised 796 00:38:32,086 --> 00:38:34,252 the Oscar Austin . No one told them to 797 00:38:34,252 --> 00:38:36,197 do that . They just did it because 798 00:38:36,197 --> 00:38:38,308 that's what determined warriors dio . 799 00:38:38,308 --> 00:38:40,308 They charged toward the danger with 800 00:38:40,308 --> 00:38:42,530 fearless determination and accomplished 801 00:38:42,530 --> 00:38:45,680 the mission . My next story is from 802 00:38:45,680 --> 00:38:48,000 this past February . We were getting 803 00:38:48,000 --> 00:38:49,889 underway for T . Trials are first 804 00:38:49,889 --> 00:38:51,722 underway in 20 months . This was 805 00:38:51,722 --> 00:38:54,160 essentially a new , untested crew 806 00:38:54,240 --> 00:38:57,820 sailing coal back out to sea . We've 807 00:38:57,820 --> 00:38:59,876 gone through a rigorous training and 808 00:38:59,876 --> 00:39:02,042 certification process . We practice in 809 00:39:02,042 --> 00:39:05,390 the simulators plan and briefed it was 810 00:39:05,390 --> 00:39:08,440 time to execute . The weather was 811 00:39:08,440 --> 00:39:10,496 fairly typical for a February day in 812 00:39:10,496 --> 00:39:13,740 Norfolk cold . What and overcast 813 00:39:14,220 --> 00:39:17,110 didn't matter . We were excited and 814 00:39:17,110 --> 00:39:19,277 ready to put calls through the paces . 815 00:39:19,620 --> 00:39:21,920 We took in all lines , send it up in 816 00:39:21,920 --> 00:39:23,920 the channel and headed outbound for 817 00:39:23,920 --> 00:39:26,680 seat and right as we made the turn into 818 00:39:26,680 --> 00:39:28,880 Thimble Shoals channel fog set in fog 819 00:39:28,880 --> 00:39:31,102 so thick you couldn't see past the bull 820 00:39:31,102 --> 00:39:33,140 news . Many of you probably know 821 00:39:33,140 --> 00:39:34,973 navigating and restricted waters 822 00:39:34,973 --> 00:39:37,029 through a narrow channel with tricky 823 00:39:37,029 --> 00:39:39,210 currents and numerous small boats and 824 00:39:39,210 --> 00:39:41,099 merchant vessels is challenging . 825 00:39:41,099 --> 00:39:43,860 Enough is it is a scenario like this , 826 00:39:43,860 --> 00:39:45,930 with no visibility , could easily 827 00:39:45,930 --> 00:39:48,100 paralyze the most experienced crews 828 00:39:48,160 --> 00:39:50,760 with fear . But that's not what 829 00:39:50,760 --> 00:39:53,200 happened . Their hours of training 830 00:39:53,210 --> 00:39:55,266 kicked in and the team didn't miss a 831 00:39:55,266 --> 00:39:58,070 beat . Even when we passed the 750 ft 832 00:39:58,080 --> 00:39:59,691 merchant ship in the channel 833 00:39:59,691 --> 00:40:01,747 effortlessly gliding 100 yards apart 834 00:40:01,747 --> 00:40:03,913 from each other , everyone responded , 835 00:40:03,913 --> 00:40:06,136 just like they've been trained with the 836 00:40:06,136 --> 00:40:08,358 fearless determination , safely sailing 837 00:40:08,358 --> 00:40:10,691 out to sea in accomplishing the mission . 838 00:40:12,310 --> 00:40:14,710 Lastly , I want to take a step back and 839 00:40:14,710 --> 00:40:16,821 tell you about our path to certifying 840 00:40:16,821 --> 00:40:20,130 damage control . This crew 841 00:40:20,300 --> 00:40:22,467 things require the crew to demonstrate 842 00:40:22,467 --> 00:40:25,830 proficiency in 25 separate drills , as 843 00:40:25,830 --> 00:40:27,997 fate would have it . Senior chief Will 844 00:40:27,997 --> 00:40:30,163 Merchant , who's in the audience today 845 00:40:30,163 --> 00:40:31,663 in a coal hero , oversaw a 846 00:40:31,663 --> 00:40:33,608 certification , is afloat training 847 00:40:33,608 --> 00:40:36,150 group team lead , knowing well that he 848 00:40:36,150 --> 00:40:38,261 was one of the coal heroes who fought 849 00:40:38,261 --> 00:40:40,206 to save our ship . And now onboard 850 00:40:40,206 --> 00:40:42,690 training us was not only humbling , but 851 00:40:42,690 --> 00:40:45,460 maybe a little bit daunting . We always 852 00:40:45,460 --> 00:40:47,571 had a deep sense of responsibility to 853 00:40:47,571 --> 00:40:49,682 measure up to their towering legacy , 854 00:40:49,682 --> 00:40:51,738 but the serendipity here was hard to 855 00:40:51,738 --> 00:40:53,950 miss . Would we be up to the task ? 856 00:40:55,610 --> 00:40:58,110 Will you be glad to know we did what 857 00:40:58,110 --> 00:41:01,200 determined warriors always dio We cast 858 00:41:01,200 --> 00:41:03,220 our doubts aside , charged ahead , 859 00:41:03,230 --> 00:41:05,780 determined to succeed because we're 860 00:41:05,780 --> 00:41:07,836 committed to upholding the legacy of 861 00:41:07,836 --> 00:41:10,110 the coal heroes . Senior chief Merchant 862 00:41:10,110 --> 00:41:12,166 and his team certainly challenged us 863 00:41:12,166 --> 00:41:15,140 because he is also deeply committed to 864 00:41:15,140 --> 00:41:18,170 upholding that legacy . At the 865 00:41:18,170 --> 00:41:20,003 conclusion of the second week of 866 00:41:20,003 --> 00:41:22,000 training , Cole had achieved early 867 00:41:22,000 --> 00:41:25,170 certification in 22 of 25 of those 868 00:41:25,170 --> 00:41:27,530 drills . The cruise performance was 869 00:41:27,530 --> 00:41:30,060 stunning . It was a reflection of the 870 00:41:30,070 --> 00:41:32,940 grit , determination and fighting 871 00:41:32,940 --> 00:41:36,340 spirit of our sailors . Senior chief , 872 00:41:37,810 --> 00:41:39,866 we know we stand on the shoulders of 873 00:41:39,866 --> 00:41:41,921 you and your shipmates . We will not 874 00:41:41,921 --> 00:41:45,260 let you down the determined warrior 875 00:41:45,260 --> 00:41:47,260 fighting spirit is , in the end , a 876 00:41:47,260 --> 00:41:49,260 reflection of the American spirit , 877 00:41:49,610 --> 00:41:51,950 from Sergeant Darrell Coal at Iwo Jima 878 00:41:52,900 --> 00:41:55,330 to our coal heroes in October 12th 2000 . 879 00:41:55,910 --> 00:41:58,021 Through today's determined warriors , 880 00:41:58,030 --> 00:42:00,440 we all draw strength from the nation we 881 00:42:00,440 --> 00:42:03,420 swore to defend . It's how we roll . 882 00:42:04,500 --> 00:42:06,770 You don't have to look very far or for 883 00:42:06,770 --> 00:42:09,420 very long to see it all around you . We 884 00:42:09,420 --> 00:42:11,587 saw the American spirit in the Hampton 885 00:42:11,587 --> 00:42:13,753 Roads community 20 years ago when they 886 00:42:13,753 --> 00:42:16,031 warmly embraced a grieving coal family . 887 00:42:16,300 --> 00:42:18,356 We see the American spirit today and 888 00:42:18,356 --> 00:42:20,830 the Cold Gold Star families . They're 889 00:42:20,830 --> 00:42:23,010 the very definition of bravery and 890 00:42:23,010 --> 00:42:25,140 courage in the face of adversity and 891 00:42:25,140 --> 00:42:27,660 tragedy . And we see the American 892 00:42:27,660 --> 00:42:29,827 spirit burning brightly within the FBI 893 00:42:29,827 --> 00:42:32,160 agents , some of whom are with us today . 894 00:42:32,160 --> 00:42:34,049 They responded immediately to the 895 00:42:34,049 --> 00:42:35,993 attack on coal two decades ago and 896 00:42:35,993 --> 00:42:38,160 continue to doggedly pursue justice to 897 00:42:38,160 --> 00:42:40,327 this day and the name of our fallen 17 898 00:42:40,327 --> 00:42:44,180 shipmates . This leaves me convinced 899 00:42:44,180 --> 00:42:46,402 that the American spirit burns bright . 900 00:42:46,960 --> 00:42:48,793 It will continue to outshine the 901 00:42:48,793 --> 00:42:51,440 darkness of our enemies . We stand here 902 00:42:51,440 --> 00:42:53,840 today is a powerful reminder that the 903 00:42:53,840 --> 00:42:55,951 feelers resolved of the United States 904 00:42:55,951 --> 00:42:58,840 is a strong as 8500 tons of steel . You 905 00:42:58,840 --> 00:43:02,500 see behind me as coal sales into the 906 00:43:02,500 --> 00:43:04,520 future , storm clouds appear to be 907 00:43:04,520 --> 00:43:07,230 forming the Cesaire building 908 00:43:08,500 --> 00:43:10,389 and weak . You see threats on the 909 00:43:10,389 --> 00:43:13,570 horizon . Rest assured that if we find 910 00:43:13,570 --> 00:43:15,792 ourselves in a smoke filled compartment 911 00:43:16,000 --> 00:43:18,056 or sailing through dangerously thick 912 00:43:18,056 --> 00:43:21,310 fog or facing overwhelming odds , 913 00:43:22,600 --> 00:43:25,930 those 17 bright shining stars we care 914 00:43:25,930 --> 00:43:28,810 for sure care for so diligently will be 915 00:43:28,810 --> 00:43:31,032 there to remind us of our duty to carry 916 00:43:31,032 --> 00:43:32,977 forward the determine where legacy 917 00:43:33,200 --> 00:43:34,200 thank you . 918 00:45:50,890 --> 00:45:52,723 We honor our heroes who paid the 919 00:45:52,723 --> 00:45:54,612 ultimate sacrifice . We'll always 920 00:45:54,612 --> 00:45:57,020 remember them for their honor , courage 921 00:45:57,030 --> 00:45:59,480 and commitment . Ship's company 922 00:45:59,750 --> 00:46:01,200 Attention 923 00:46:17,780 --> 00:46:20,710 Oh Maintenance Technician Second class 924 00:46:20,720 --> 00:46:24,320 Kenneth E . Clodfelter , Mechanicsville , 925 00:46:24,330 --> 00:46:25,010 Virginia . 926 00:46:37,980 --> 00:46:40,160 Chief Electron ICS Technician Surface 927 00:46:40,160 --> 00:46:42,510 warfare Richard Di Castello , 928 00:46:42,690 --> 00:46:44,190 Murrysville , Pennsylvania 929 00:46:56,580 --> 00:46:58,620 Mess management specialist Seamen 930 00:46:58,630 --> 00:47:01,370 Latakia and Francis would leave North 931 00:47:01,370 --> 00:47:02,010 Carolina 932 00:47:18,780 --> 00:47:21,270 Information systems Technician Semen 933 00:47:21,590 --> 00:47:25,190 Timothy Lee , Ghana , and it's Texas 934 00:47:40,280 --> 00:47:43,000 signalman Seaman Sharon Lewis Gun , 935 00:47:43,220 --> 00:47:44,776 Virginia Beach , Virginia . 936 00:47:57,980 --> 00:48:00,410 Information systems technician Seaman 937 00:48:00,420 --> 00:48:03,460 James Are McDaniels , Norfolk , 938 00:48:03,460 --> 00:48:04,100 Virginia 939 00:48:17,870 --> 00:48:21,290 Engineman , Second Class Mark Ian Nieto 940 00:48:21,670 --> 00:48:23,410 Fun Do lack Wisconsin 941 00:48:37,470 --> 00:48:39,660 Elektronik Warfare Technician Second 942 00:48:39,660 --> 00:48:42,270 class Ronald Scott Owens , Vero Beach , 943 00:48:42,270 --> 00:48:43,270 Florida 944 00:48:56,670 --> 00:48:59,420 Seem unlucky ? BA Nicole PALMER , San 945 00:48:59,420 --> 00:49:00,600 Diego , California 946 00:49:08,470 --> 00:49:09,470 Okay , 947 00:49:14,470 --> 00:49:17,390 An dreamin Fireman Joshua L . Par . Let 948 00:49:17,620 --> 00:49:18,898 Churchville , Maryland 949 00:49:32,870 --> 00:49:36,370 Fireman Patrick Howard Roy Kids Bill , 950 00:49:36,450 --> 00:49:37,100 Maryland 951 00:49:54,070 --> 00:49:56,170 Elektronik Warfare Technician First 952 00:49:56,170 --> 00:49:59,220 Class Kevin Sean Rooks , Portland , 953 00:49:59,230 --> 00:50:00,010 North Dakota 954 00:50:16,260 --> 00:50:18,580 Mess management specialist , third 955 00:50:18,580 --> 00:50:21,130 Class Grantchester M . Santiago 956 00:50:21,140 --> 00:50:22,590 Kingsville , Texas 957 00:50:37,460 --> 00:50:40,570 Operation Specialist Second Class 958 00:50:40,580 --> 00:50:44,080 Timothy L . Sanders , Wrinkled 959 00:50:44,090 --> 00:50:44,780 Virginia 960 00:50:59,760 --> 00:51:01,900 Fireman Gary Smith , Honest Junior 961 00:51:02,060 --> 00:51:03,480 Rockport , Texas 962 00:51:16,960 --> 00:51:20,490 Lieutenant Junior Grade Andrew Triplet 963 00:51:20,860 --> 00:51:22,690 Shook A look , Mississippi 964 00:51:37,960 --> 00:51:41,920 Seaman Craig be Wibberley Williamsport , 965 00:51:41,930 --> 00:51:42,490 Maryland 966 00:51:54,360 --> 00:51:57,390 Ship's company Hand salute . 967 00:52:23,550 --> 00:52:24,550 Yeah . 968 00:52:34,450 --> 00:52:35,450 Hello ? 969 00:53:11,150 --> 00:53:12,150 Maybe 970 00:53:53,150 --> 00:53:54,770 ready to 971 00:54:02,340 --> 00:54:04,562 guess Please rise for the benediction . 972 00:54:17,540 --> 00:54:21,520 Let us pray . Go 973 00:54:21,520 --> 00:54:24,940 out of our comfort and our strength We 974 00:54:24,940 --> 00:54:26,884 come to the end of our time shared 975 00:54:26,884 --> 00:54:29,630 together with hearts full of love on 976 00:54:29,630 --> 00:54:33,430 our heads Raised high and pride as we 977 00:54:33,430 --> 00:54:35,652 leave this place Keep the memory of our 978 00:54:35,652 --> 00:54:37,920 loved ones Keep the memory of their 979 00:54:37,920 --> 00:54:41,850 example alive and us maintain 980 00:54:41,850 --> 00:54:44,017 the pride and the overwhelming love we 981 00:54:44,017 --> 00:54:46,930 have for them that we may aspire to 982 00:54:46,930 --> 00:54:49,470 live up to their example and reflect 983 00:54:49,470 --> 00:54:52,330 its goodness into our world today and 984 00:54:52,330 --> 00:54:54,550 every day . Um , in 985 00:55:05,240 --> 00:55:07,296 ladies and gentlemen , thank you for 986 00:55:07,296 --> 00:55:09,073 being here with us today . This 987 00:55:09,073 --> 00:55:10,907 includes the ceremony . The coal 988 00:55:10,907 --> 00:55:12,684 memorial is available for quiet 989 00:55:12,684 --> 00:55:14,629 reflection , thought and prayer as 990 00:55:14,629 --> 00:55:17,360 desired . Ship's company dismissed